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The Learning Walk....Don't over think it

Flourish Early Years

Ever since the new Early years statutory framework and Ofsted's inspection handbook came into effect in September 2021. The learning walk has been of big discussion. Up until recently it has been a big topic of conversation as to what the learning walk could entail. However now that inspections are somewhat back and track, more and more settings are able to give feedback of their experience of the learning walk and what this felt like for them.

The learning walk is more than a tour of your setting, it is essential we lose the idea of giving the inspector a tour as if they were a parent. It certainly is realistic to give the inspector a tour but do this as part of the learning walk. They are not two separate things.

The learning walk is an opportunity to tell the inspector about your curriculum intent. This is where you share the rationale and reasoning behind the curriculum you offer. This is the opportunity for you to discuss how you sequence the curriculum between ages and stages, and how each part of your curriculum helps prepare children for the next stage.

It is essential that the curriculum intent is clear to you and everyone who works with the children. As whatever you tell the inspector, they will then go on to try and find evidence of this within practice.

Our pre-recorded session The Learning Walk: Showcasing your curriculum intent, has some fantastic examples of the types of questions inspectors might ask during the learning walk alongside some example answers. It also covers how you can use other aspects such as resources, the environment and routines to help you to deliver the curriculum intent.

Please do check out the session here

We also have a learning walk prompt document to support you further, this has a range of questions that have been asked in recent inspections. The document will help prepare you for what you cover in each age group and ensure you are really clear on what you want the children to learn. You can find this document in our shop

The Learning Walk

Our consultants also offer a range of support visits including a pre-inspection learning walk.

Get in touch with us now on to see how we can support you further.

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